Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Growing up and growing old

Well, if you haven't been hit smack dab in the face with this lately, let me bring you into my world...No matter what you do, people will continue to age and change and grow. For some, this realization is hitting as we near 10 year high school reunions. For some, sending kids off to school or off to college has brought up feelings that we don't quite know what to do with. And for others, it's aging parents or grandparents that bring to light the all too fragile nature of life.

For me, it's mostly been the kids. As posted previously, my sister just started college classes this week. It's weird to think of her living in the same dorm I did, attending classes in the same buildings. Wasn't I way more mature when I went to college? Didn't I know more? Surely my baby sister isn't ready for the craziness of college. But she is. And I wasn't nearly as mature as I thought I was at the time. And I certainly didn't know as much as I thought I did. Everyday I come more and more convinced that I really know nothing. In spite of this, I too started classes this week at the front of the classroom. And about halfway through my lecture, I was discussing how statistics is used in virtually every field of study. A particular example suddenly took me off guard. Stereograms. Or to those of us who actually remember the 90's, remember the Magic-Eye 3D books? As I used this example, I realized that these were popularized in the mid-90's which means some of my students and my sister were only about 3-5. Even the youngest ones said that they remembered, but I had to question it. And if I stick with this teaching stuff, people will just give me a weird look when I mention it in a few more years.

Many people around me are dealing with the same kind of issues. Back to school time has brought on a flood of mommy's letting their babies go. For some they're sending their precious ones to big kids school for the first time. Some sent their angels to the next grade and a new year full of excitement. And some, loaded up cars, trucks, and trailers full of living supplies and toted their not-so-little tots to college. Where they'll stay and not come home for afternoon snacks everyday. And I'm left here sitting wondering how? How do they do it? How will I do it? How did God design such a perfect and powerful love between parents and children?

And today just topped it all off when I dropped Chaselyn off this morning, I got a note saying she would be moved up to the "Babies 2 -Walkers" class tomorrow. My baby is not a walker, but they think she's well on her way, and I know it's true. I also know she's growing. We did some back to school shopping (actually it was these clothes don't fit any more shopping) for Chaselyn and I was very disappointed to learn that there is a big shift in baby clothes at 12 months. They don't have the little footy pajamas in size 12 months (thanks to a tip I found some at the Carter's outlet in Hillboro). They have small versions of big girl clothes, and I like the little bright colored dresses that she has. Now everything for the fall is brown and pink. I don't like it. I don't like brown. It's a good color if your baby has a diaper accident, but it's not good all the time.

And that's where I'm at today. Loathing the life process and wondering if God will just let me hit pause for a little while so I can enjoy this time in life a little longer before it slips away. And on that note, I leave you with this. Just blur your eyes a little, you'll get the message. ;)

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